Los Angeles VPS Features

Get the best features from the best web VPS hosting provider. After all, offering the cheapest web hosting with distinctive features is our #1 priority.
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Bandwidth
Don't limit yourself with old-school limited bandwidth limits. Boost your projects with unlimited traffic!
1Gbit or 10Gbit port
1Gbit or 10Gbit port
You heard it right. We offer up to 10Gbit ports for our VPS. Nothing can stop your online project from dominating the market!
AMD EPYC Zen2/Zen3 processors
AMD EPYC Zen2/Zen3 processors
Powerful through the roof, the new AMD EPYC Processors will chew on every task you give them.

VPS Server Los Angeles

When companies are looking to set up their business in the US they are always choosing between the East and West Coast and Los Angeles as the ‘east’ option is one of the most popular choices. BlueVPS offers VPS configurations to every taste. 

Cheap VPS server in Los Angeles, US

Whenever we talk about the virtual private server it is better to understand what it is made of. Basically, it is a virtual machine that suits the individual requirements of a guest user similar to an independent physical computer devoted to a particular user. You can state that a dedicated server shows the same features as the usual personal computer. There are a vast amount of virtual private servers you can install on a single dedicated server, being limited only by the resources of the physical server itself. 

Let’s break down the software layer of the virtual private server:

  1. Web Server Software
  2. FTP program
  3. Mail server e.g. OPENDKIM or EKIM
  4. Various application software for blogs or media portals.

You can say that a virtual private server serves as a bridge connector between a dedicated server and shared hosting offering the best from both worlds. Each server can have its own copy of the operating system, like dozens of CentOS or Debian OS. It allows VPS to offer the user root privileges or super admin rights. On VPS you are free to install any type of software and be not punished for doing so.

Thanks to the technology of virtualization offered by KVM vast majority of companies prefer to host their website on VPS for an affordable price.

What kind of benefits we can bring to you? Let’s see:

  1. Unlimited bandwidth - yes, you’ve read it right. It’s unlimited!
  2. 1 Gbit port per VPS;
  3. AMD EPYC and Intel Xeon CPUs;
  4. HDD and SSD VPS are available;
  5. NVMe nodes are also ready for action!
  6. 24/7 Support every day every year.

Cheap Windows VPS hosting in Los Angeles, USA

If you are looking for a Windows VPS in Los Angeles for rent we are happy to offer almost every distributive available for you to choose from. RDP VPS or ASP.NET VPS is always based on Windows OS. So here is what we can offer:

  1. Windows 10 Enterprise;
  2. Windows Server 2012 R2;
  3. Windows Server 2016;
  4. Windows Server 2019.

Cheap Linux VPS hosting in Los Angeles

Like when you buy a car you can't see what's under the hood, right? Similar is the case when using a system that runs under Windows. However, on the contrary, Linux is completely an open-source project. You can take a look at the source code of a Linux operating system, which is a plus. Linux is not as vulnerable as Windows. It is certainly not invulnerable, but it is much safer.

It's just the way Linux works that makes it a safe operating system. Overall, the package management process, the repository concept, and a couple of other features make Linux more secure than Windows. 

We are offering all kinds of Linux OS:

  1. CentOS
  2. FreeBSD
  3. Debian
  4. Ubuntu and others if required.

Cheap VPS server hosting in US Los Angeles

Buying cheap VPS in Los Angeles is as easy as reading this sentence. Just click on the one you like and choose the required OS to preinstall. We’ll take everything from there and after a few minutes, you will be provisioned with VPS. If you wish to pick up some other location in America then we can offer VPS in Atlanta or VPS in Chicago (ССЫЛКИ!!!). Contact our team to learn more!

Los Angeles VPS Hosting Reviews

FAQ VPS Los Angeles


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