Terms of using BlueVPS
The terms on this page regulate the relationships between the user and the company BlueVPS. This public offer isn’t required to sign in the written form. As you proceed with ordering and payment for the hosting services, you accept these terms.
The Blue BPS company holds the authority to make amendments to the terms of providing server hosting services without notifying the clients.
What is forbidden:
- Any content or software that contradicts the laws of the country of the client’s location
- Spam, Xroomer, grabbing, submitter, or botnets along with any similar software
- Sites aimed at the sales of goods prohibited by the law of the country
- Defrauding websites, HYIP projects and links leading to them
- Pornography with minors or animals, incest
- Erotic or pornographic (adult) content and links to such content (the exception: countries that officially permit it)
- Fake and phishing or any similar malicious software, IRC services, farma, replica,and links to them
- Activities like cracking, hacking of websites, and theft
- Any kind of viruses, exploits or links to them
- Software for port scanning, proxy checking, or brute force
- Usage of any fake IP addresses
- Resources aimed at spreading drugs
- Content called to provoke racial or ethnic conflicts or hatred
- We allow to use our services for private VPN only
If the terms are violated and the company receives complaints, BlueVPS reserves the right to take corresponding measures. They will depend on the type and nature of abuse and include the following.
- Give 24 hours for the client to correct the violation without blocking the provided services.
- Block the provided services until the rule transgression is corrected.
- Deprive the customer of the services without sending back the not-yet-used funds.
Every client must keep to the following obligations and is welcome to use these rights:
- The user must keep to all the terms and requirements mentioned in the agreement
- The user must inform the company about refusing to prolong the dedicated server rent period. This should be done 15 days before their lease period comes to an end
- The user must behave according to the general moral and ethical standards during communication with the company’s workers. This concerns any form of communication including an online chat, ticket system, or a phone call
- In case the client’s funds weren’t used, they have the right to return them
- The user can use the free technical support that makes possible the provision of the services and ensure that they align to the mentioned parameters
- The user has the right to postpone the payment based on the discretion of the company
- The user has the right to use the underlying administration services for free (based on the list of services exclusively with a control panel)
Rights and obligations of the company:
- The company has the right to make amendments to the rules for the provision of virtual hosting services unilaterally and without notifying the clients
- The company is entitled to suspend the rented server or client’s account for the time of technical work, natural disasters, DDOS attacks, and other force-majeure situations
- The company reserves the right to delete the client’s account or VPS server on the 10th day after the payment was due. The data stored there can be restored only when the client pays back for the expired period of server usage
- The company’s administration is entitled to request photocopies of the client’s documents such as passport and other identification papers
- The company offers the minimal bandwidth for 1 VPS at the level of 10 Mbps. For locations such as Hong Kong, Cyprus, and Israel this makes 1 Mbit for each VPS
Guaranteed Services
- The company gives a warranty that the provided resources comply with the tariffs and are not oversold.
- The company is bound to refund for downtime in case they happen through the company’s fault. Such compensations are received in the form of extra days in the 5-fold number for every day of downtime. This concerns both VPS services and server hosting.
- The company is bound to provide 99% network uptime with the only exception in cases of equipment maintenance, DDOS attacks, natural disasters, and updates of the software. This also includes unpredictable situations and downtime as a result of clients’ moves.
- The company provides 3 TB of bandwidth monthly for each KVM VPS, except Hong Kong. For this specific region, the monthly bandwidth is 300 GB.
- The company promises the refund on a client’s request which takes place within 7 days after the request is sent. Payments in crypto are, however, non-refundable.
Liability limitation
- The company carries no responsibility for the client picking an operating system, tariff, or program, as well as the results of this choice.
- The company is not liable for any kind of damage (direct or not) such as interception, data loss, fund loss, or the damage of reputation, related or not to the client’s actions because of the server downtime.
- The company has no permission to view the content its clients store on their servers and does not supervise if this content complies with the described terms and conditions. The only exception is complaints with solid ground coming from third parties.
- The company is not liable for the delays in installing dedicated servers which happen due to the reasons out of the company’s control.
Cases when the company can refuse to provide hosting services
- The company can refuse to offer services to the client if there is dishonouring, abusive, and indecent behaviour from their side which diminishes the dignity of a company’s employee.
- The company has the right to put off the provision of its services at its own discretion in case the client abuses one or several rules of these conditions.
- The company can prohibit the uploading of the content which is, according to our mind, unacceptable and contradicts the basic humanism principles.
Complaints of intellectual property right defiance
- The company holds no right to establish if an offense took place. This is performed only by the correspondent and authorized law enforcement and judicial authority.
- When making a complaint about intellectual rights defiance, one can protect one’s exclusive copyright holder rights and is able to forward this complaint to the hosting server’s owner. This presupposes the provision of the time required for a response and makes feasible the decision to ban the hosting service if the owner’s response prompts it.
- The website owner can respond to the complaint within the first full day (24 hours) from the day our company forwarded this complaint. If the owner ignores the complaint, our company reserves the right to put a block on the website until the response comes.