Australia VPS
Australia is a great emerging market and close to Asia as well! For all those who long to expand their business in this country, BlueVPS offers great configurations for affordable prices. We use exclusively server hardware from HP, Dell and Supermicro. That ensures that your project will stay online 24/7/365 even under 100% load.
Cheap VPS server in Australia
By renting VPS from a hosting provider it is implied that BlueVPS can take care of the hardware and you can take care of the software on your server. At the same time, it is often very easy to tweak your virtual server to make it more powerful, for example by giving it more working memory or processor capacity.
You can simply say that a VPS is like a server within a server and it can be easily adjusted according to your needs.
Some of the key benefits of a VPS are the ability to easily configure your VPS just the way you want it. This includes the specifications of the server, such as the number of processors, the amount of memory, and the amount of storage space or even type of the storage.
In addition, it is often possible to scale these specifications up or down on an ongoing basis depending on changing needs. For example, you might set up a VPS with a certain amount of RAM, e.g. 1 GB. After a while, you will notice that the application you are using on the server would work much better with, say, 2 GB of RAM.
Apart from customizability, we offer great benefits for hosting with us:
- 1 Gbit port per VPS;
- Unlimited bandwidth for each VPS;
- AMD EPYC and Intel Xeon CPUs;
- HDD SSD and even NVMe VPS are available;
- Free IPv6;
- DDoS protection;
- 24/7 Support every day of the year.
Cheap Windows VPS hosting in Australia
Windows OS is very popular with enterprise companies. A lot of stuff such Microsoft Office including Excel, Word or Powerpoint is running on top of Microsoft OS. We offer such distributions:
- Windows 10 Enterprise;
- Windows Server 2012 R2;
- Windows Server 2016;
- Windows Server 2019.
Cheap Linux VPS hosting in Australia
Linux allows you to customize the operating system to meet your needs perfectly. Don't like the GNOME desktop? Use KDE. Don't like the look and feel of GNOME, change it up with Extensions. Don't like where the Xfce Panel lives? Move it. The customizations you can make are almost limitless. And many of these customizations are very easy to manage (so you don't have to be a hard-core Linux user to do them). At the end of the day, you get to work exactly the way you want to work, instead of working with an operating system that suits Apple or Microsoft.
We offer different versions of such OS to be installed:
- CentOS
- FreeBSD
- Debian
- Ubuntu and others if required.
Cheap VPS server hosting in Australia
BlueVPS offers great discounts for renting VPS for more than 3 months. Just choose the configuration or consult with the team about what works for you. We are working 24/7 and always happy to help. If you wish to pick up some other location in other countries then we can offer VPS in China or VPS in Poland. Our team is available 24/7/365 through LiveChat.
FAQ VPS Australia